Friday, January 18, 2008

The art of coaching

In his blog Paulo has a good piece about fatigue and how to take it into account when designing a training plan. Here is an extract: “When designing a training plan, the time intervals between consecutive training sessions should be selected in order to respect the timings of adaptation to training for the different training methods used. Working out these timings is possibly the most difficult part of planning and it is the "art" part of coaching.” I have to admit this where I am impressed so far by Paulo. I clearly train more than usual, intensity is picking up in the three sports, I do not get rest weeks anymore and not even rest days (in the past Mondays were off) but I feel lot less tired than during my self-coached years!

Breakthrough for me in the pool yesterday with few 100 meters in less than 1’25; that is not fast for a swimmer but for me that is like flying! Today 3800 meters sessions including 16 x 100. For the first time ever, I finished all the 100s in 1’30 or less.

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