Saturday, March 1, 2008

27 days...

It had been a while since I could find the time to swim four times in a week for a total of 15000 meters. I did it this week and it is obvious that under that I maintain my (low) level but don't really improve. But on thursday on my fourth session of the week I had a great 3800 meter swim with 8 x 200m in Z4 at a speed I was very happy with! Few weeks at this volume and intensity (Z4 in the water in painful for me) and I should see some pretty good results.

This morning I went for a 2 hour ride with 60 minutes tempo (z3). I felt very strong and Watts were often in z4 for a low RPE. Tomorrow 5 hour ride (with 4 x 20 minutes tempo) followed by the usual 30 minutes transition run.

And by the way today is March 1st which means that my first race of the year is approaching fast: Half Ironman California on March 29th in 27 days and few hours!!!

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