Sunday, February 10, 2008

I am riding again

It took me 10 days but I finally got rid of this virus. On Saturday I went for a 2 hour easy ride, just to test myself. It was nice to be outside, even if my legs felt weak. The warm weather was nice though, almost 80 degrees.
Today I rode 4 hours for 130 km. I felt great for the first 3 hours and pushed too hard for a while. I exploded and the last hour was tough. On top of that I had not taken enough food with me and I bonked big time. But again it is so nice to exercice again and to have some energy in my body!
A good friend of mine of the Westchester Triathlon club, Rich Izzo, had a pretty "good" ride on the East Coast. When he says rather warm conditions it is more like 35 degrees... His report: "Left westchester at 3:30am saturday in rather warm conditions. Had no rain just a bad crosswind from the south the whole way. The ride became tiring at the end, no Monty to suck wheel off of this time. Rolled into Sag (Sag Harbor on Long Island) after riding for 9hrs (with one long break- breakfast with the folks at the 3hr mark). Today's ride began at 6:45am in order to beat the snow, and wind. Well, I beat the snow but I only have one thing to say about the rain and wind I got for 15m before the ferry in Port Jeff- tough. However the ride from Bridgport home can only be described as the hardest ride since IMCDA. There was a headwind the whole way which made the day before feel like a tailwind and the wind gusts were off the charts. There were downhills that I was doing 6mph. It was laughable.If IMH's wind is like what I experienced today, I would rather have bamboo shoots put up my fingers than to do that bike course on a bad day.All in all another sag trip done- 241m. Next month I expect company".

For us, with a 75 degrees day here on the Left Coast, we went for a hike in the Santa Monica mountains this afternoon. Because of the rain we had in the last weeks there is water in all the small creeks and the boys had alot of fun.

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