Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I know, triathlon is very important and I'll get back to that... But this second post has nothing to do with it. Well almost nothing.

Few weeks ago my parents spent two weeks in Laos and did a trek there. On a Sunday afternoon they were joined in their daily hike (about 5 hours) by a dozen of young children. The kids were leaving their small and isolated village to spend the week in a slightly more important one where was their school. They would sleep together in a small "cabin" and cook their own food. They even had a small garden to grow few vegetables. On Fridays afternoons they would walk back to their village to spend the week-end with their families...

Photo by Georges Laborie

I found this story very touching, of course the life of these kids is extremely far away from and harder than my own childhood or my kids' one. But in a way it is also uplifting and somewhat positive, as these kids go through all that... to go to school.

You said HTFU?...

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